If you want to avoid cyber fraud, then believe this: Mumbai Police has come up with this trick to tighten the nose on online criminals
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Operation Against Cyber Fraud: Till now we have heard that no one can do anything in front of cyber fraudsters, but if we believe Mumbai Police, then this has become a thing of the past. Now Mumbai Police has devised such a trick that cyber fraudsters will have to be careful; if they get caught in their clutches, they will be gone forever. Now no one will be able to commit online robbery
Drive Against Cyber Crime: Every day we hear some such story that someone looted by giving the lure of a lottery and someone broke into the bank account under the guise of online payment. Not a single day goes by when we do not hear the sad story of people falling prey to cyber fraudsters.
Many times it hurts a lot, but we are unable to do anything. But now the time has come for cyber fraudsters to be looted and beaten because Mumbai Police has claimed that it has now found a trick that will bring the cyber thugs into the clutches of the police and save those innocent people who get robbed while sitting at home and lose their life’s hard-earned money at the hands of such cunning people.
The tightening circle of cyber fraud
It is true that as we progress, the digital circle around us is increasing; we are becoming digitalized. What should happen is that our lives should become a little easier, but on the contrary, we are getting surrounded by more and more problems. The biggest proof of this is digital fraud, or what we also call cyber fraud.
In the clutches of Jamtara
That Jamtara of Jharkhand and the cunning criminals of that Jamtara cheated millions of people in every state of the whole of India from that small area, so much so that neither anyone could cry nor there was any question of laughing. These fourth-class failed boys became so clever in this game of cyber fraud that even the police had to seek shelter.

These thugs are not concerned with the status of the person in front of them; they just need to pick up the phone and talk for a few minutes. They used to play such a trick that the person would happily agree to share his most secret things with them and would open the door of his safe to be looted.
Now cunning people can’t escape
From the sentry to the minister, there is no one left who has not been cheated by these people. But now there is no mercy for all of them. Because Mumbai Police has now laid such a trap that these people cannot escape. Mumbai Police claims that if people accept just one small thing of theirs correctly and do exactly as they are being told, then no cunning person will dare to make the mistake of even putting his hand in the pocket. It is even being claimed that if any account hacker tries to commit cyber fraud with anyone, then it is almost impossible for him to escape.
Just remember one number
So what should people do? In response to this question, Mumbai Police says that to avoid online fraud, people just have to remember the cyber helpline number 1930, and as soon as they get trapped in any such trap, they have to send their complaint to this number. The police will take care of the rest.

100 crore rupees saved in seven months
Mumbai Police claims that the effect of this initiative is that during the last seven months, they have been able to prevent fraud of Rs 100 crore through this number. Share traders, investors, courier callers, and people receiving digital arrest threats are in the clutches of online fraudsters. Mumbai Cyber Crime received around 35,918 complaints, and by acting on these complaints, the police have prevented a cyber fraud of around 100 crores.

Three officers and 50 constables deployed
The police said that the ‘1930’ cyber helpline started for people to alert the police about online fraud has prevented the fraud by immediately contacting the banks. And now its scope is being expanded. The police say that after receiving a complaint on the helpline, three officers and 50 constables working in three shifts immediately contacted the banks and their nodal officers and stopped the money that was about to be transferred without any delay and also froze the accounts of the accused so that he also becomes dependent on his money.
The police said that people should follow the guidelines of the police to avoid becoming victims of cyber fraud, and in case of such a situation, they should immediately contact the ‘1930’ helpline. Their work will be done.