Ancient cultures such as the Egyptian, Phoenician, and Chinese geographical understanding, but few of those records survive, and so the Greeks have become today’s main source of early knowledge. Homers epics, The Liad and the Odyssey, return in the ninth century BC. They reveal the Greeks as interpreters, travelers, and observers of distant lands. They also excelled in scientific inquiry.
Geophysics knowledge advanced exponentially during the heyday of exploration by both European and Asian explorers in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. Mapping, surveying, and spice collecting became stock activities on every voyage.
In the 21st century, a few computer clicks can bring photos or map information to much of the earth’s surface. We take for granted the ability to get directions to almost anywhere we need to go, without needing to plot the course on a map.
Modern science and information gathering have given geographers more insight then ever before, and modern technology allows it to be shared world-wide, but for many people, facts and terms lack context. An understanding of geography, both physical and cultural, makes that context ever more necessary and important. Global interactions and sharing responsibility for the earth’s future connect us all.

Born in Egypt of a Greek family, Claudius Ptolemy (ca. A.D. 90–168) created a body of work synthesizing the Greco-Roman world knowledge of cartography, mathematics, and astronomy. His eighth volume, Geography, offered instructions and information for preparing a word map, including a world map and 26 regional maps. He also found a number of map projections and provided a list of some 8,000 place names and their coordinates. Almagest, his 13-volume treatise on the astronomy-geocentric model of the solar system, and his four books, Tetrabiblos, tried to Reconcile astrology with more scientific matter Spread through Arabic translations made by Islamic scholars and influenced near eastern and western geography and cartography thoughts for centuries.
Today, the world is rooted in location, but it involves more than just the position of place names on a map; it integrates methods and knowledge from many different disciplines, and income passes through both the physical and social sciences. It uses all these disciplines to determine why things occur in a specific area or as per specific spatial examples?.
Physical geography in corporate geology and climatology, biology, ecology, hydrology, and other natural sciences. Human geography includes sociology, economics, political science, history, demography, and other social sciences. Cartography, which is the art and science of making maps, provides graphic representations of geographic settings.
The World Geographers also use other tools in their data gathering, analysis, and representation, including statistical photographs, remotely captured images such as satellite photos, and computer-generated graphics.

Think of how hard it is to peel an orange and press the resulting pieces of peel down flat on a table. That analogy represents the challenge faced by the map maker, who attempt to turn the spherical planet earth into a flat visual representation. To handle the test of getting the outer layer of a circle to life, level map makers use shapes that lend themselves to straightening, for example, plans and chambers known as developable surfaces.
By applying numerical estimations to the developable surfaces, they can change earth highlights into level structures. Those forms are called projections and represent the challenge of map-making.
Through the centuries, projections have inevitably resulted in distortions. Those distortions can be controlled to some degree by the choice of map shape, which depends on which part of the planet is of most interest to the cartographer.
Only where the surface directly touches the globe will the map be completely accurate. Away from these points of contact, earthen features become stretched or squeezed in order to become flat.