Iran and Pakistan’s new friendship


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s three-day visit to Pakistan and the issuance of a joint statement after talks between the two countries do not mean that the friendship between the two has increased a lot. There are still tensions in the relationship between the two, which were not resolved before the joint statement.

Although there is coordination between the two countries on many issues, like religion, culture, and brotherhood, both are seen on the same platform, but there is fundamental disagreement on many issues. There is a Sunni majority in Pakistan and a Shia majority in Iran.

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Sunni fundamentalism is promoted in Pakistan, while Shia fundamentalism is promoted in Iran. In Pakistan, Shias are oppressed, and in Iran, Sunnis are oppressed. As far as political and diplomatic relations are concerned, there is no mutual agreement between the two countries.

Along with Iran, Saudi Arabia is also important for Pakistan

The thing to note is that at present, Saudi Arabia has made an agreement with Iran, but it is about 1500 years old between the two. This is the fight between Arabs and Ajam, and this is the fight between Shias and Sunnis; it will dominate Islam. It’s a fight. The war is not resolved merely by making a treaty.

The mention of Saudi Arabia is necessary here because the south asian country remains more dependent on Saudi Arabia. Pakistan’s relations with Iran deteriorated only when relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia deteriorated, and then Pakistan became a hunting ground. Because of this, Shia-Sunni conflicts also spread in Pakistan.


Persia and Pakistan attacked each other

In January itself, the tension between Iran and Pakistan increased to such an extent that Iran fired missiles at Pakistan, and Pakistan also responded with missiles. Terrorists from Pakistan go to Iran and carry out attacks, and Iranian security forces have many times gone inside the Pakistan border and fought the terrorists.

Although earlier such matters were suppressed, this time what happened in January happened directly, both fired missiles at each other. Both countries felt that there should be no increase in the tension between themselves; there are already many issues of conflict between the countries.

The latest talks and joint statement between the two countries are an attempt to reduce tension, but this does not mean that there will be a strong friendship between the two as is being tried to be shown. Both countries have talked about how we should increase mutual trade. It was decided that in the next 5 years we will take mutual trade to 10 billion dollars, but how will this happen? What will both countries sell and buy from each other? This was not answered.

If there are American sanctions on Iran, then how much can the South Asian country increase its trade with Iran? One issue between the two countries is the gas pipeline. Earlier, India was also involved in the gas pipeline project, but due to a lack of wisdom, it withdrew from the agreement. Now it is just a pipeline between the South Asian country and Iran. The problem is that the South Asian country has no money. No one in the world will give money to Pakistan because there is a ban on Iran.

There will also be a doubt that, if the South Asian country is also banned for increasing relations with Iran, will the South Asian country’s economy bear the loss? Now Pakistan is trying to increase relations with Iran and also to keep America under illusion. It feels like some middle ground will be found. The South Asian country has also taken a very tough stance on the issue of Palestine. While most of the Arab countries are not so vocal, if the South Asian country directly intervenes against Iran in the matter of Palestine, then there will be a problem.


After this comes the topic of terrorism. It was said in the joint statement that both countries will impose sanctions on terrorist groups. It is easy to say, but the question here is: if you consider any gang a terrorist,?

The South Asian country demands that many Baloch are freedom fighters; they have taken refuge in Iran. Will Iran ban this? In the coming days, Iran will probably tighten its reins a bit, but it will not drive it out of the country completely because Iran still does not completely trust the South Asian country.

Exactly the same thing is true for the South Asian country. Iran admits that it has many terrorist organizations that are operated by Pakistan; they have the support of the Pakistani government, and these organizations are also getting help from Israel and America.

Read more: In Pakistan, Iran’s Raisi warns Israel again

ईरान-पाकिस्तान का नया याराना


ईरानी राष्ट्रपति इब्राहिम रईसी की तीन दिनों से पाकिस्तान दौरे और दोनों देश के बीच बातचीत के बाद संयुक्त वक्तव्य जारी होने का कदापि यह अर्थ नहीं की दोनों के बीच दोस्ती बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ गई है | दोनों के बीच रिश्तों में अभी भी ऐसे ही तनाव हैं, जिन्हें संयुक्त वक्तव्य से पहले सुलझाया नहीं गया |

वैसे दोनों देशों के बीच कई मुद्दों पर समन्वय है, जैसे मजहब, तहजीब, बिरादर मूल के नाम पर दोनों एक मंच पर नजर आते हैं, लेकिन बहुत से मुद्दों पर बुनियादी कसमकश है | पाकिस्तान में सुन्नी बहुमत है और ईरान में शिया | पाकिस्तान में सुन्नी कट्टरपंथ को बढ़ावा दिया जाता है, तो ईरान में शिया कट्टर पंथ को | पाकिस्तान मेंशियायों का दमन होता है और ईरान में सुनियो का | जहां तक राजनीतिक, कूटनीतिक संबंध का सवाल है, ये दोनों देशों के बीच पारस पर एक सम्मान सहमत नहीं है |

यह भी पढ़ें: अमर सिंह चमकीला: समाज का चमकीला पहलू

पाकिस्तान के लिए ईरान के साथ-साथ सऊदी अरब भी जरूरी

गौर करने वाली बात यह है कि फिलहाल सऊदी अरब ईरान के आपस में एक समझौता कर रखा है, पर दोनों के बीच लगभग 1500 साल पुरानी है, यह अरब और अजम की लड़ाई है, और सिया और सुन्नी लड़ाई है, इस्लाम पर इसका दबदबा होगा, इसकी लड़ाई हैं | मात्र एक संधि कर लेने से लड़ाई नहीं सुलझी है |

यहाँ सऊदी अरब का जिक्र इसलिए जरूरी है, क्योंकि पाकिस्तान सऊदी अरब पर ज्यादा निर्भर रहे | पाकिस्तान की रिश्ते ईरान के साथ तभी खराब हुए, जब ईरान और सऊदी के बीच रिश्ते खराब हुए और तब पाकिस्तान शिकारगाह का बन गया | इस वजह से पाकिस्तान में शिया सुन्नी फसाद भी फैले |


पर्शिया और पाकिस्तान ने एक दूसरे पर किया था हमला

जनवरी में ही ईरान और पाकिस्तान के बीच तनाव इस कदर बढ़ गया कि पर्शिया ने पाकिस्तान पर मिसाइल दागे और पाकिस्तान ने भी मिसाइल से जवाब दिया | पाकिस्तान से दहश्तगर्द ईरान जाकर हमले करते हैं और ईरानी सुरक्षा बल ने कई बार पाकिस्तान सीमा में अंदर जाकर दहशतगर्दों का मुकाबला किया है |

हालांकि, ऐसे मामले को पहले दबाया दिया जाता था, पर इस बार जनवरी में जो हुआ, वह प्रत्यक्ष तौर पर हुआ, दोनों ने एक दूसरे के ऊपर मिसाइल दागे | दोनों मुल्कों ने महसूस किया कि आपस में जो तनाव है, उसमें इजाफा नहीं करना चाहिए, पहले से ही दोनों मुल्कों के समक्ष संघर्ष के अनेक मुद्दे हैं |

दोनों देशों के बीच ताजा बातचीत व संयुक्त वक्तव्य तनाव कम करने की कोशिश है, मगर इसका अर्थ यह नहीं की दोनों के बीच प्रगाढ़ दोस्ती हो जाएगी जैसा कि बताने की कोशिश हो रही है | दोनों देशों ने यह बात की है कि हमें परस्पर व्यापार बढ़ाना चाहिए, तय किया गया कि अगले 5 साल में परस्पर व्यापार को 10 अरब डालर तक ले जाएंगे, पर ऐसा कैसे होगा?

दोनों मुल्क एक दूसरे को क्या बेचेंगे, क्या खरीदेंगे? इसका जवाब नहीं दिया गया | पर्शिया पर अमेरिकी प्रतिबंध भी लगे हैं, तब पाकिस्तान अपने साथ अपने व्यापार को कितना बढ़ा सकता है? दोनों देशों के बीच एक मुद्दा गैस पाइपलाइन का है | गैस पाइपलाइन परियोजना में पहले भारत भी था, पर इसमें अकल मंदी की ओर समझौते से अलग हो गया | अब वह सिर्फ पाकिस्तान पर्शिया के बीच का पाइपलाइन है | समस्या यह है कि पाकिस्तान केपास पैसे नहीं है|


दुनिया में कोई भी पाकिस्तान को पैसे नहीं देगा, क्योंकि ईरान पर प्रतिबंध है | एक आशंका यह भी रहेगी, मान लीजिए, पर्शिया में संबंध बढ़ाने पर पाकिस्तान पर भी प्रतिबंध लग जाए, तो क्या पाकिस्तान की अर्थव्यवस्था नुकसान झेल पाएगी? अब पाकिस्तान इसी कोशिश में है कि ईरान के साथ भी संबंध बढ़ाये और अमेरिका को भी भरमा रक्खे उसे लगता है कि बीच का कोई रास्ता निकल आएगा | फिलिस्तीन के मुद्दे पर भी पाकिस्तान ने काफी कड़ी मुद्रा अख्तियार कर रखी है |

जबकि अरब के ज्यादातर मुल्क इतने मुखर नहीं है, पाकिस्तान ने अगर फिलिस्तीन के मामले में पर्शिया की तरफ सीधे हस्तक्षेप किया, तो समस्या हो जाएगी |

इसके बाद आतंकवाद का विषय आता है | संयुक्त वक्तव्या में कहा गया कि दोनों देश आतंकी गुटों पर प्रतिबद्ध लगाएंगे | बोलने के लिए या आसान है, पर यहां सवाल लिया है कि अगर आप किसी गिरोह को आतंकी मानते हैं? पाकिस्तान मांगता है कि बहुत सारे बलोच स्वतंत्रता सेनानी है, उन्होंने ईरान में शरण ले रखी है |

क्या पर्शिया इस पर प्रतिबंध लगाएगा? आगामी दिनों में ईरान शायद इसकी लगाम कुछ कसेगा, पर देश से पूरी तरह खदेड़गा नहीं, क्योंकि ईरान अभी भी पूरी तरह से पाकिस्तान पर यकीन नहीं करता है | ठीक यही बात है कि पाकिस्तान के साथ है | ईरान मांनता है उसके यहां बहुत सारी दहशतगर्द तंजीमे हैं, जो पाकिस्तान से संचालित हैं, उन्हें पाकिस्तान सरकार की सह हांसिल है इन तंजीमो को इसराइल और अमेरिका से भी मदद मिल रही है|

और पढ़ें: इसराइल के साथ तनाव के बीच ईरान ने पाकिस्तान के साथ किया समझौता

Israel and Iran: Is there going to be a war between them?


Amid Israel-Iran tension, an American media report has claimed that Iran can attack Israel in 2 days. This information has been given by quoting America’s Intelligence Department.

If this report is to be believed, attacks may occur within the next 24 to 48 hours. Special sources related to Persia have said that the attack plan is being discussed, although no final decision has been taken. Tension between the two countries has increased after the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria. Persia has warned of an attack on Israel.

Information related to the Israeli attack has reached Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. On Thursday, British Foreign Minister Annalena Barebach and David Cameron spoke to Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

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Netanyahu has given a warning to Iran

Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a direct warning to Iran and said that if anyone harms us, we will respond. He said that Israel has issued all alerts regarding security. We are fully prepared defensively and offensively.

Israel is on alert

Israel is on high alert after the Iranian threat. He has canceled the leaves of all his soldiers. Our air defense system has been strengthened and put on alert. Weapons have been deployed, and every situation is being closely monitored.


French citizens advised not to travel

In view of the fear of attack by Iran, France has advised its citizens not to travel to this region. They have been asked to avoid traveling to Iran, Palestine, and Israel. French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourn has made this recommendation after Persia’s threat.

Fear of another war

Tension is increasing in the Arab world. Israel is already crossing the limits of aggression, and now Iran has also adopted an equally aggressive posture in comparison to it. According to experts, Iran can target any Israeli location at any time. Here, Israel is also on full alert to respond. Tension between Persia and Israel has increased so much that within a day, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to the foreign ministers of Turkey, China, and Saudi Arabia.

The US Secretary of State is trying to explain that increasing tension in the Middle East is not in anyone’s interest. It is important to say here that America looks weak; it has had tensions with Persia for years, and it is not in a position to influence Iran directly. So he is taking help from the leaders of those countries that have special influence on Persia.

Here, America must wonder why this situation has come to this. Israel’s independence has its place, but how can its unbridled aggression be defended? Despite destroying Gaza, Israel is not ready for a ceasefire. More than six months have passed since Palestine was bombed. It may not have taken responsibility for the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, but it has also not done much to dispel Persia’s suspicions. Iran continues to blame Israel for the April 1 attack on its consulate in Damascus, in which a senior member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed.

There is pressure on Iran to avenge the deaths of its people, and if that happens, a new war will break out in the Arab world or the war will expand. It is a matter of great misfortune for the world that Israel is also ready for war in other places besides Gaza and what is even sadder is that America will not be ready to compromise Israel’s security under any circumstances. It is also a matter of concern that America has asked its citizens in Israel to be cautious.


If war breaks out on a new front, it will have wide-ranging effects. For example, the Israeli government has announced that more than 6,000 Indian workers will come to Israel between April and May to deal with the labor shortage and aid the country’s construction industry. Meaning, the outbreak of war will also increase the worries of Indians. Indians are also facing unnecessary tension in the Russia-Ukraine war. It would be better if India has minimal connection with war and war zones.

India has often made the aggressor country understand that war is not in anyone’s interest, but obviously, peace does not have much meaning for many countries in the world. While it is not possible to praise Israel, Iran also cannot be praised. It is very sad and very shameful for Iran to be in favor of ruthless and dangerous terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. In the civilized world, there can be other ways of putting forth one’s demand and fighting for it; hence, the inhumane practice of directly helping terrorists will have to be abandoned by all those countries that really want peace in the world.

Read more: Regional Tensions Soar As Iran Prepares To Attack Israel