
Congress’s Existence is Coming to an End


It is said that no one wants to ride in a sinking ship. This is the situation today for India’s oldest party, Congress. Due to the tradition of revolving around only one family, the democracy of this oldest party in the country has ended, which is why it is now going through a crisis of existence. The situation is that India was formed in opposition to the huge organization of the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is the world’s largest political party.

The Congress, which should have led the block by making it its leader, is today itself in a pitiful state and is forced to depend on the mercy of various regional parties. Its leaders are leaving the party one by one and joining the BJP. It seems that this party is not able to make any effort to stop its leaders.

Read also: Maharashtra: There is Great Uneasiness in Seat Sharing Among Other Parties.

Congress is shrinking all over India

Be it West Bengal or Punjab, Bihar or Maharashtra, Delhi or Uttar Pradesh, or any other state, Congress is not in a bargaining position anywhere today. Small groups have started eyeing him. Whoever you look at is seen giving advice to Congress. Due to this, the image of Congress has been greatly tarnished among the common people. The situation is such that the top leadership of this party has lost its confidence. Its former president, Rahul Gandhi, took out Nyaya Yatras across the country.

But it seems that even that did not work, and he could not even win the trust of the people, so after getting tired, he decided to concentrate on his seat in the South. More news comes about the Aam Aadmi Party and its leaders than the Congress and Rahul Gandhi. The people leaving this party also say that they are against the Sanatan Dharma and the anti-national thinking of the party leadership. Unable to accept. Even the remaining shortcomings are fulfilled due to the loudness of the party leaders. In such a situation, how long can anyone remain associated with this party?


Congress has not been able to recover from its old thinking

Today, when the picture of Indian politics is much more clear and parties openly present their ideology before the public, ignoring Hindus is costing heavily to Congress. The BJP has benefited from this and is in power today. This party has not yet emerged from its old thinking, that is why it has reached the verge of sinking. The way many of its leaders are leaving the party, it seems that soon the entire existence of the party will end. It now seems almost impossible to handle it for very long.

Along with releasing the election manifesto, Congress has put forward its upcoming agenda. In the manifesto of Congress, an attempt has been made to pay more attention to youth, women, farmers, workers, the constitution, the economy, federalism, national security, and the environment. The announcements of Congress towards the upliftment of backward castes are especially becoming a topic of discussion, but the point is whether this party will be able to fulfill all these promises. And before that, another question is whether this party will be able to come to power, because from the present situation of this party, it does not seem that it will be able to come to power.

Congress wants to divide Hinduism into castes

Because there is internal division in the Congress party, many big and small leaders are leaving the party and joining the BJP. From which it becomes clear that this party is not at all prepared for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Of course, even after many years of the implementation of the Constitution, caste discrimination has not been completely eliminated, and to eliminate it, the future governments of the country will have to work with positive measures. Congress has tried to express this intention in its manifesto.


Every party must take initiative for the people left behind in the race for development. It has been said in the manifesto of Congress that after coming to power, it will do good to the backward castes, but in the last 70 years, this party has shown only pipe dreams to the backward castes. And as far as conducting caste censuses is concerned, a conspiracy is being hatched only to divide Hinduism, which this party did during its previous regimes.

Read more: PM Modi’s Muslim League, Jab At Congress’s Manifesto Promises

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