Is Christmas celebrated in Islamic countries?

Christmas preparations are going on all over the world. This festival is a Christian festival, but it is celebrated in every religion. There are 2.3 pious Christians in India, but government holidays are given in India on this festival. Recently, after the coup in Syria, many poor people expressed concern about the security of Christians in Syria during this festival.
After Christianity, the second largest religion in the world is Islam. Both of these religions originated in Palestine. Despite many similarities in both religions, there is a huge difference between Christian countries and Islamic countries. Now the question is whether, like India, there are government holidays to celebrate this festival in Islamic countries as well.
Where people of Christianity do not consider Jesus to be the son of God, people of Muslim religion consider Jesus to be a prophet (messenger of God).

Muslim countries where there are no Christmas holidays
People of the Christian religion live in almost all Muslim countries, but in countries like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iran, there is no government holiday during Christmas. However, this festival is celebrated by Christians, and in the areas of Christian influence in both countries, people of the Muslim community also participate in it.
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Christmas is celebrated along with holidays in these Muslim countries
If we leave Iran and Saudi Arabia among the big Muslim countries, then almost all Muslim countries have government holidays during Christmas.

Holidays in Muslim countries on this festival:
Damn it
Palestine (West Bank and Gaza)
In all these Muslim countries, there are Christmas holidays and government holidays; schools remain closed.